0800 0542354

Online Ukata Asbestos Awareness Training By The Experts

  • Ukata certified
  • Legally compliant
  • Full course and refresher course available
  • Available 24/7
  • Download certificate immediately
  • Cost Effective
  • Produced by asbestos professionals
  • Free retake if you fail
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Welcome to Environmental Essentials eLearning

Get trained and download your Certificates - TODAY!

Our Courses

Our online UKATA Asbestos Awareness and ROSPA Health and Safety courses are the easy way to get certified, high quality training.

UKATA Online Asbestos Awareness

UKATA certified Asbestos Awareness E-learning course

UKATA Asbestos Refresher

UKATA certified Refresher Asbestos Awareness E-learning course

Legionella Awareness

Legionella Awareness Training

First Aid Awareness

First Aid Awareness

COSHH Awareness

COSHH Awareness Training

Working Safely with Ladders

Working Safely with Ladders

Manual Handling

Manual Handling

Anthrax Awareness in Construction

Anthrax Awareness in Construction

Cyber Security

Cyber Security - COMING SOON

IATP Online Asbestos Awareness

IATP Online Asbestos Awareness

Why choose our course?

As a leading asbestos consultancy, everything we do is aimed at keeping people safe from the dangers of asbestos. That’s why we are in a great position to train you on how to protect yourself from the risks.
  • UKATA / ROSPA certificate

    On completing the course and passing the exam, your certificate will be available for immediate download from our learning system. If you manage the asbestos training for a company or organisation you can access the certificates for all your candidates.

  • Available 24/7

    Get started without delay - purchase your licence and you'll receive your log-in details right away. This means that you could take the course and get your certificate today. You can train at the time that suits you - there's no need to take time off work.

  • Audio Narration

    Professional audio helps clarify concepts and terms.
    The interesting narration helps the learner to engage for longer periods and retain the information provided.

  • Meets Legal Requirements

    Asbestos regulations place a legal obligation on employers in the UK to ensure that any staff likely to come into contact with asbestos during their normal course of work, should receive Asbestos Awareness training.

  • Interactive

    Includes interactive knowledge checks and focuses on situations you will come across in the real world. Using real examples, we share our expertise and knowledge, giving straight-forward, practical advice that you can put into action.

  • Cost effective

    Classroom training usually means lost working time and that's expensive. By training online you can avoid these costs and save travel expenses to the training venue. Most importantly you get to save money without compromising on quality. We offer large discounts for bulk bookings - please get in touch to find out how much you could save.

Our training is the perfect choice for...

  • Individual Tradesmen

    Training online means there’s no need to take time off work – you can fit it around a busy schedule

  • Businesses

    Our learning platform makes managing Asbestos training across your organisation EASY

  • Bespoke training

    We can develop a custom add-on course for you, explaining the details of how asbestos is managed in your specific organisation. Please get in touch and we will be pleased to discuss your requirements

    Contact us

Online UKATA Asbestos Awareness Training

Environmental Essentials are industry leaders in asbestos management, offering  UKATA certified Asbestos training both online and in classroom locations all across the UK.  If you are looking for training for yourself or for your staff and contractors, our e-learning courses provide the easy way to get the highest quality, certified training. 

We offer generous discounts for larger orders.   We will not be beaten on the quality of trainingresponsive support or price so please call today on 0800 0542354 to see how much you could save.

Get started straight away.

Purchase your licenses easily and quickly through our secure store.   On completing the checkout, we will send you an email with your log in details immediately, so you can start you training without delay.

About Asbestos Awareness Training

If you work on materials within buildings constructed or refurbished before the year 2000, you are required by law to know about asbestos and how to avoid disturbing it. Asbestos is not a problem of the past – a great deal is still in place and if you work in buildings of this age, coming across it on a day to day basis is common.  Add to this that asbestos is responsible for 5000 deaths in the UK each year and you can see how important it is to protect yourself from the dangers of exposure.

The online courses we offer are UKATA Category A: Asbestos Awareness courses, aimed at making individuals aware of the dangers associated with exposure to airborne asbestos fibres through unknowingly coming into contact with asbestos materials.Training online is the easy, convenient way to get the highest standard, accredited training. The courses are organised into modules which you can study individually, letting you fit your training around your work schedule, with no downtime required.

Our courses meet  the learning objectives for asbestos awareness training specified by UKATA which state that on successful completion of any asbestos awareness training course, delegates should:

Have an increased awareness of the nature and properties of asbestos and its effects on health, including the increased risk of lung cancer for asbestos workers who smoke

Be familiar with types, uses and likely occurrences of asbestos in buildings

Know how to avoid the risks from asbestos by understanding:

Where to obtain information on asbestos in premises prior to commencing work;

What to do if suspicious materials are found;

How to use appropriate workplace precautions, including the risk assessment process, or

Seek advice on workplace precautions, in respect of the risks of asbestos;

Undertake work activities in a safe manner and without risk to themselves or others.

Have an awareness of the general legislation in relation to health and safety and asbestos in particular.

Why choose Environmental Essentials for your online Asbestos Awareness course?

Established in 2004, Environmental Essentials is today a leading national asbestos consultancy.  We are trusted by the some of the UK’s largest companies to keep their employees, customers and the general public safe from asbestos.  Key services we offer include carrying out UKAS accredited surveys to identify asbestos materials in buildings and implementing asbestos management plans to ensure legal compliance.  Our courses are based on real experience and offer a perspective that general health and safety training companies and companies that only provide asbestos training cannot match.  

We make your Asbestos Awareness training count.

For Asbestos awareness training to be of any real value, it must equip you put your knowledge to good use when it matters, which is during your work activities every day in the real world.  One of the important objectives of asbestos awareness training is to enable you to identify materials that could contain asbestos when you are at work.   With our courses you get to benefit from our expertise in carrying out asbestos surveys as we comprehensively cover the different types of asbestos containing materials using images of the materials in situ, as we have found them during our surveys.

Does the HSE recognise e-learning as a valid way to do asbestos awareness training?

Yes, absolutely.  The following quote is taken from the HSE website:

“Online learning (often referred to as e–learning) is increasingly used as a method of providing asbestos awareness training. HSE recognises the use of e-learning as a viable delivery method, among others, for asbestos awareness training, provided it satisfies the requirements of Regulation 10 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the supporting Approved Code of Practice L143 'Managing and working with asbestos'.”

You can view it on the HSE website here.


UKATA Certified and IATP Registered

Our Asbestos Awareness courses are UKATA certified, in addition, we are an IATP registered provider.  By taking any of our courses you get the benefit of training accredited by both of these HSE recognised asbestos training bodies.


The United Kingdom Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) is a HSE recognised asbestos training association in the UK and provides accreditation for our courses.  

For asbestos awareness training to meet the legal requirements it must be provided by someone who is competent to deliver it.   Our UKATA membership is an assurance that we are competent to deliver your training and confirms that we have the required qualifications, experience and expertise.   

Our UKATA online training courses have undergone a rigorous review process to ensure quality and comprehensive coverage of the required topics.The courses are reviewed on a regular basis to check that all information remains up-to-date and accurate.

The benefits of UKATA Certified Training

UKATA accredited courses are widely considered to be the ‘gold-standard’ in asbestos awareness training.  Many organisations will not accept AA training unless it is UKATA certified, both for the training of their own employees and those of their supply chain and sub-contractors.

On successful completion of the online course, the candidate’s UKATA certificate is available for immediate download.   It can be printed off and used as evidence that the individual has received the training.

Who needs Asbestos Awareness training?

Asbestos awareness training is a legal requirement under Regulation 10 of Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012), for anyone could disturb asbestos during their work activities and for those who influence these types of work, such as those involved in planning or supervising these activities.

Asbestos awareness training is for anyone who is likely to encounter asbestos during their working day.

The HSE have identified the following occupations as likely to require training.  This list does not cover all the occupations where workers could disturb asbestos and therefore are also need to  be trained.

General maintenance workers




Painters and decorators


Construction workers


Shop fitters

Gas fitters

Heating and ventilation engineers

Demolition workers

Telecommunication engineers

Fire/burglar alarm installers

Computer and data installers


Building surveyors

Employers have a legal duty to provide Asbestos Awareness training.

If you are an employer, you have a legal obligation to ensure your employees are competent to work safely and avoid exposing themselves and others to asbestos.  To meet this obligation employees who could come across asbestos when they are at work need Asbestos Awareness Training.

5000 people currently die each year in the UK from an asbestos related disease.  Employees working on buildings constructed prior to the year 2000 may come into contact with asbestos during the course of their day to day work activities.  These are good enough reasons to make sure your employees are trained in order  to heighten their awareness of the dangers and know how to protect themselves.  Add to this that the HSE actively investigates incidents leading to asbestos exposure and prosecutes employers found to have not  met the required standards and its clear that not only is Asbestos Awareness Training something you should provide, you can't afford not to.

Our Asbestos Awareness Training Full Course:

The full Asbestos Awareness course takes approximately 90 minutes to complete.

This full course is divided into five modules:

Asbestos the Miracle Mineral
Use of Asbestos
Health Effects
Emergency Procedure

Each module is clearly labelled and easy to navigate.   All slides are numbered so you will know exactly where you are in the course and if you need to leave the course for any reason you can leave and return to the same point when logging in again.  At the end of each module there is a knowledge check to help reinforce your learning. At the end of the course, there’s a final 15 question multiple choice exam after which you’ll receive your UKATA Asbestos Awareness certificate.

We offer the only online UKATA Refresher Training course based on a training needs analysis.

Our UKATA Asbestos Awareness  Refresher course is the quick way for you to get  back up to speed and gain your UKATA certificate for the next 12 months.  The Refresher course takes approximately 45 minutes to complete (if the pass mark is achieved for all sections of the training needs analysis at the start of  the course).  Learners are eligible to take our UKATA refresher course if they have current UKATA certificate or one that has expired in the last 2 months.

The refresher course has been designed to complement previous training and features a comprehensive Training Needs Analysis (TNA) to ensure the training meets the HSE guidelines for providing refresher training and ensures the users receive appropriate training based on their exact needs. As with our full course, the refresher training is taught in a modular format covering:   

Training Needs Analysis – New feature
What is Asbestos
Uses of Asbestos
Health Effects
Emergency Procedures
Best Practices – New Feature